Braiding Education & Marketing Strategy

Hey babes! I’m Indy, a hair braider, entrepreneur, and content creator who is passionate about inspiring others. I believe in the power of transformation—both in style and in business.

I specialize in professional protective style services and educating braiders on how to scale their business.

Build Your Brand: Social Media Marketing For Braiders and Hair Stylists
One time

Learn step-by-step how I plan, film, and edit my content to promote my hair braiding business on social media. Let's build your online presence!

✓ 3 hours of detailed instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Freebie pdf downloads
✓ Content Strategy System

tools & products

Behind The Brand

I started my braiding business in 2018 as a freshman in college who needed a profitable side hustle. After practicing my skills and finding my passion for entrepreneurship, I was able to to my side hustle into my full time career. 5 years later, I now take everything I’ve learned on my journey and help educate other aspiring braiders and entrepreneurs who want to become successful in the beauty industry.